I have spent the better part of my life living overweight. To be honest, at some point in my early 20's I kind of gave up on the idea that I might be able to make a dent in my own health. For me, this became life threatening.
At 28, I was rushed to the hospital after running home from work with my blood pressure sky rocketing. I had experienced blood pressure spikes before, but this time was different.
My doctor told me that I had a couple choices. I could either take blood pressure medicine for the rest of my life, or I could try to fix this on my own through adjusting my lifestyle. To be honest, I tried the medicated route at first as they sent me home with pills to take in case of emergency.
I remember being at work, feeling the symptoms of a blood pressure spike come on and rushing over to take my first (and last) pill. At first I was fine, but after about 30 minutes I felt like I could not even stay on my feet. I had to lay on the floor just to feel better, and at that moment I knew I had to do something different.